Arrowhead 135

After completing the Badwater 135 ultra-marathon, I wanted to attempt the Arrowhead 135 winter ultra-marathon. Both races are very similar to one another, yet very different as well. The Arrowhead 135 was founded by Pierre Ostor, a Badwater 135 veteran. Arrowhead is a one hundred and thirty five mile long, a point to point race that is held in the coldest part of the country during the coldest time of the year on the US-Canadian border in International Falls Minnesota, which follows the Arrowhead trail deep into the Minnesota woods crossing several frozen swamps and lakes, eventually finishing at a remote casino in the town of Tower. You have three methods of propulsion as a racer to enter the race, bike, ski, or foot. I chose the foot division. The weather. I knew the obvious, this race is notoriously known for being a brutally cold race with an average finish rate of only 30%, in the week leading up to the race I was finding myself studying the weather forecast more and...