Uwharrie 100

I first met Dan and Amanda Paige, the race directors of the Uwharrie 100 mile trail race back in 2017 at the inaugural URE marathon. This is their sister event held every March that covers the the same terrain as the iconic Uwharrie 100 mile and 100K event which is held during the third weekend of October. Dan, myself, and other runners of the inaugural URE Marathon back in March of 2017. Upon meeting Dan and Amanda, I could immediately tell how passionate they were about trail running and putting on a quality event. My wife Jennifer and I are also race directors of a local trail run and I’ve learned a lot about race directing just by observing Dan put on remarkable events over the years. Fast forward almost three years to the 2019 Uwharrie 100 and Dan and Amanda haven’t missed a beat when it comes to putting on a wonderful race weekend. The race. Although I made my plans to run the Uwharrie 100 mile event back earlier in the year, I didn’t actua...